Why the death of Sheila Annette Lewis bothers me so much.
The absurd policy which today in August 2023 still makes me, a healthy 35 year old father of 3 ineligible to receive an organ transplant if I need one.
Most people that follow me will already know the story of Sheila Annette Lewis. The women who recently died after a two year battle to obtain a life-saving organ. She was ultimately denied her organ, even in 2023, because she refused to take the original 2 COVID shots that were offered to her in 2021.
I’m happy to see this story get more attention. But in the process, many are coming out in defence of the absurd policy that killed this women (and also killed Garnet Harper a couple months ago).
I respect differing opinions on this matter. Just like I was willing to accept some the plausible arguments for vaccine mandates in 2021. However just like the discussions around mandates, the logic to try and justify this tragedy just doesn’t stand up.
After Roman Baber came out in defence of Annette Lewis and then official opposition leader Pierre Poilievre did the same, many came out swinging.
The most popular argument goes like this:
The argument that: There have always been criterias to receive transplants. Like the requirement that a liver transplant patient quit drinking before receiving their organ.
But the problem with this comparison is that one scenario (quitting drinking) actually dramatically increases someone’s chances of a successful transplant and the other scenario arguably offers no additional benefit to the patient (especially in the case of Annette Lewis who had proven antibodies against COVID-19).
It would be like using the same defence of a new policy that requires all 40+ male transplant recipients to get a prostate exam. The medical consensus would say that requiring a recipient to get such an exam increasing their long term survivability from all cause deaths. However we would never dream of discriminating against someone who simply didn’t believe in getting a regular prostate exam.
Another argument that is frequently used goes like this:
The fact that organs are scarce so professionals need to make sure that they go to people who have the “best chance of survival”.
Using that logic I guess we can start banning any number of groups in society who have a higher than average death rate. For example, why not deny organs to half the country who choose to not exercise regularly and do not have as good of a chance at survival as someone who does?
The fact is, someone’s COVID vaccination status is so insignificant compared to someone’s survivability. Especially compared to dozens of other factors that we start imposing as criterias. Why not screen based on if someone chose:
The shingles vaccine
A regular mammogram
Taken the twinrix vaccine when they travelled overseas
Gotten their cholesterol or blood pressure checked and abiding by all recommendations from their drs. in the recent past.
Etc. etc. etc.
But the medical community is going to grasp onto this single criteria for as long as they can. This identity symbol of getting 2 shots that are completely irrelevant in 2023. This absurd policy which today in August 2023 would makes me, a healthy 35 year old father of 3 ineligible to receive an organ transplant if I need one. Why?
Escalation of Commitment
Because these professionals acted so far outside the norm of medical ethics for so long by treating the unvaccinated the way they did, they cannot back off now. To accept today that Sheila Annette Lewis should not be discriminated based on her health choice, would have to ultimately lead to the acceptance that all COVID based discrimination was immoral.
Now that the medical establishment has allowed people to die because of these policies, they will inevitably dig their heels in deeper. That’s why they are terrified that people such as the official opposition leader is entertaining their immoral moves.
If When society finally accepts what we all know is the truth (that these policies are immoral and inhumane), then the entirety of the medical community must reflect on a generational mistake.
I don’t think we are in a battle of trying to convince people why the story of Sheila or Garnet Harper are a tragedy. I wholeheartedly believe that everyone knows that they are. Especially the medical professionals. The only reason they are putting up the facade of opposing our viewpoint. The only reason they are putting up the facade of thinking they did no wrong. Is because they are terrified of the world they will have to live in once they accept what they were responsible for. All of society is terrified of that reality.