The Absurdity of Mandates in 2023
The N.B. region has seen more hospitalizations in the first 10 weeks of 2023 than all of 2020 and 2021 COMBINED.
In order to avoid becoming too bias on my opposition to vaccine mandates, I frequently conduct a simple exercise. I actually try and make the case for them.
Contrary to what the MSM and Liberal misinformation experts think, I actually do a lot of research on this topic. I am constantly looking at the most recent data publicly available from Public Health Ontario and other jurisdictions. I’m also reading all the latest peer-reviewed studies on vaccine effectiveness and risks as well as the recent NACI guidance (National Advisory Committee on Immunizations).
As you all know, it is still virtually impossible for anyone without at least three COVID shots to work in health care in Ontario. Even though we are facing a healthcare crisis and every politicians is discussing this topic. No one will mention the obvious elephant in the room. That the majority of highschool graduates and under 30s don’t have at least 3 shots and can’t even work in health care.
Because this topic is too controversial, politicians are resorting to promises of bringing in foreign workers (who have 3 shots) instead of rehiring the thousands who are already qualified to work in Canada.
When our country started firing health care workers in 2021, the premise was that we needed to do this to “protect hospitals and the entire health care sector”.
In Ontario, the Green Party was the first to demand that Doug Ford fire health care workers in August 2021. Every other party followed suit. The Canadian Medical Association, the nurse’s unions and every social media doctor called for the same thing. The Ontario conservatives eventually complied.
Now we are 18 months into this unprecedented experiment. So let’s look at how well we did. Did we in fact protect our hospitals? Did these rules somehow reduce the risk of COVID in health care settings? In my region, health care workers were first fired in the Fall of 2021. Since then, this is how COVID hospitalizations have looked.
In the last month, this region has had 32 COVID-related admissions. Compared to ONE single admission in the entire month of November, 2021 when we fired all our unvaccinated health care workers. Just in the first 10 weeks of this year we have had 66 people hospitalized compared to ONE in the first 10 weeks of 2021 (with no mandates or even any widely available doses). An easily calculable 6600% increase.
I don’t think we appreciate how absurd these numbers make the mandates look. In the last 6 months of 2021 (with no mandates), this entire region had 11 COVID hospitalizations. During the same 6 month period in 2022 (Jul-Dec) we had 120 (a 1100% increase). This region has had more people hospitalized in 2023 (in 10 weeks) than all of 2020 and 2021 combined.
I have repeatedly asked administrators and Health Care board members for any justification for holding onto stubborn vaccine mandates for staff. I’ve even publicly asked on social media for any argument whatsoever from anyone (expert or not) that could possibly justify these rules. I have never heard one. Not even a bad one.
How can this be possible? How can we still live in a world where it is acceptable to prevent thousands from working for absolutely no scientific reason. And with monumental data proving that the rules were not only ineffective but a complete disaster. Every day that goes by that I write an annoying post on social media and get virtually no reaction from the vast majority of the public, I lose more optimism for our country.
But I will keep trying to understand. I will keep trying to awaken people to their own ignorance and hypocrisy. I don’t care if these particular unscientific and unfair rules don’t affect you personally (although they do as a result of staffing shortages in HC). Every single Canadian should be speaking up until ALL unscientific and absurd rules are abolished. When a ridiculous rule like this ever keeps you from earning a living, and no one speaks up, you will understand.
Exccellent, analysis. These are exactly the right questions for administrators and politicians who may be hanging on to fear and data from 2021 to make their decision.