I think a lot of it is just scheduling. I have cancer and faced the typical delays for any procedure. Then when you finally get in the hospital you find that entire wards are empty. Hilariously while going for a biopsy they wanted my partner to stay in a waiting room by her self for hours, while I sat in the prep room by myself. The most noticable thing is that all the areas in between had staff but no patients. In fact in my ward I was bizzarly the only patient for 3 staff to onl work on me that afternoon. Given they can probably cut and paste the report saying I have cancer I wonder what they were up to the rest of the day?

Now I'm I've been in the hospital I often get same day service. Radiation therapy, MRI'S cat scan, etc

IMHO a lot of it is about empire building I'm sure if the volume was tracked as well as the wait, peoples eyes would pop.

If theres a several month wait but only 2 procedures are done a day. Do we need more staff or better scheduling?

Especially given that a lot of procedures take less than an hour and the equipment occasionally generates automatic reports.

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A big part of the doctor "shortage" is the way doctors get paid (have lots of healthy people on your roster who you never see) and the way medical schools overly limit the number of students coming in to keep the demand for doctors outstripping supply.

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I may be among the first to note this but I will not be among the last.


With 3 Trump assassination attempts now Historians may agree that we are now within the start-up of a low-level CIVIL WAR. I have 2 more guesses ...


1) The primary actors will be Lone Wolves.

2) It will last for 50 years.


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Seems to me that vaccines are not the issue here. The issue is that healthcare in Canada is stunningly backward, and inefficient. A lot could be done with technology, and a lot of healthcare services could be performed by nurse practitioners at the local level. Or pharmacists. You can certainly argue that the Covid vaccines were hastily prepared, and were either ineffective or only marginally effective. But no one credible argues that vaccines as a concept are a bad idea

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I'm not arguing that vaccines as a concept are a bad idea. But the revolutionary technology that was invented in 2021 was not a vaccine. It borrowed the term vaccine. I've stated before that mRNA is still a powerful invention that may have enormous medical uses in the future but it was terribly over promised (and likely misrepresented with false data) because leaders needed a magic solution. Solving seasonal respiratory illnesses by taking it every few months will not be one of its achievements.

But... this essay is not arguing the merits of the product. I'm just stating its becoming increasingly obvious that in 2021, "unvaccinated people" (those who simply chose to decline one experimental product), were purposely vilified because our leaders needed a scapegoat for an already broken health care system.

The most frustrating part is that they knew exactly what they were doing and no one has been held accountable for the harm, division and overall loss in confidence this has led to.

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