Quebec's doctor triage proves we were scapegoats
Politicians and health experts knew exactly what they were doing when they decided to vilify 6 million Canadians.
It’s an understatement to say that Canada’s health care system is broken. Yesterday the Ontario Medical Association called the situation in this province a “catastrophe”. They claim that more than 2.5 million Ontarians are without a family doctor and that this number will almost double to 4.4 million by 2026. They also raised the alarm on the fact that in the last two years there have been over 200 closures of emergency departments in Ontario.
The situation is even worse in Quebec. Last week, government sources confirmed that they were considering triaging family doctors going forward. In an unprecedented move, Quebec may start taking doctors away from some people to give them to others.
Many hate that some of us still complain about policies like forced vaccines when criticizing the obvious health care crisis we are in. But let me explain why they are very much related and how the ongoing problems prove that 6 million Canadians were scapegoats.
In the Fall/Winter of 2021 and 2022, the health care system was at capacity once again after a seasonal surge in respiratory illnesses. Government and health care leaders needed a scapegoat. Why? Because, we had experienced the same surge the year prior and our health care system was so frail that it could not handle even a slight increase in people (almost exclusively elderly people) needing emergency care.
The reality is that our emergency rooms have been at capacity during every cold and flu season in recent history, but the COVID era made this all so apparent and the media often exaggerated the problem to make it look abnormal.
After over a year of COVID, politicians and health care leaders had promised things would be returning to normal but among all the things they did (lockdowns, testing, subsidies etc.) they didn’t implement any meaningful change to health care.
So when the virus mutated as everyone expected and evaded any immunity conveyed by the so called “vaccine”, there was a predictable seasonal surge in health care once again.
Naturally people looked at their leaders and asked WTF? I thought you said this was over??? Were we fooled in taking a risk on this mRNA product??
But it was never going to be over… It wasn’t then and it isn’t today. Hospital ERs will be full again this upcoming winter.
The leaders of 2021 knew this. I am certain of it. And any health expert who had read any data or research to that point knew that the “vaccines” were not going to stop this.
But… They needed a scapegoat. So the unvaccinated were it. And since more than 4 in 5 adults had either chosen to take the shot or reluctantly did, it left an easy minority to scapegoat. The ones who reluctantly did succumb to taking a chance on these shots likely did not want to accept that they were fooled. If they chose the wrong path then it would feel much better if every last person also hopped on that path.
So that is what happened in the fall of 2021 and reached a peak on January 5th, 2022 when the Prime Minister of our country went on national television and told the entire country that they should be “angry and frustrated with the unvaccinated”. He directly blamed the unvaccinated for school closures and lockdowns. But his most important attack and the one that hit me hardest was blaming us for the broken health care system.
"When people are seeing cancer treatments and elective surgeries put off because beds are filled with people who chose not to get vaccinated, they're frustrated.
He knew damn well that unvaccinated people were not to blame for people’s cancer treatment delays. Every health expert knew… But they clung to their narrative out of their own self interest.
That January 5th speech by Trudeau will go down in history as one of the most disgraceful acts of a Canadian leader. It certainly marked one of the darkest days of my life.
The reason this was so frustrating was not because I felt “at fault” for my perfectly rational choice. It also wasn’t because I thought people were falling for Trudeau’s lies. It was because I witnessed so many people adopt the narrative despite knowing it was wrong and how much it would hurt the ones being vilified. They adopted it because it’s much easier being in the 80% than the 20%.
Just before provincial authorities conveniently stopped reporting their daily numbers to vilify the unvaccinated, the COVID cases were clearly trending higher among “vaccinated” individuals per capita.* Everyone had these numbers, including Justin Trudeau. And he still went on television to tell all my family, friends and countrymen that not only am I to blame, but they should be angry with me.
*With all the data we now have showing that the vaccine has very very minimal effects and last a very short period of time (while carrying many risks), I believe that all the statistics released in the fall of 2021 were skewed or inaccurate to support a narrative that the mRNA shots helped when they didn’t. One point to support this is the use of “unknown vaccine status” at the time. These figures jumped drastically when authorities seemingly needed them to. If too many “vaccinated” individuals were testing positive or hospitalized it was very easy to simply mark them as “unknown” to protect the ratios they needed. And unknowns were always lumped in with the unvaccinated, sometimes creating absurd claims that the unvaccinated had a 10x higher chance of hospitalization (which no one believes today or else more than 5% of the country would actually take the latest mRNAs). If they misled us on this imagine what else they have mislead us on?
And in the 3 years since it has become so obviously clear that the “unvaccinated” were not filling hospitals and that they did not deserve to lose they jobs, right to participate in society, travel for over a year and dignity, no one has apologized. No one has admitted they were wrong.
This past thanksgiving I was reminded of the headlines we had to suffer through in 2021. One of them was the temporary leader of the Niagara Health Unit who held a press conference to tell Ontarians to not invite their unvaccinated family members. He even opined that if excluding people from your family forces them to change their health choice, that could be a good thing…
For this disastrously wrong (and knowingly wrong) advice, this doctor was recently promoted to be the full-time Chief Medical Officer for the Sudbury Health Unit.
We were scapegoats and there is absolutely no denying it. But still, because so many people followed along, this historical injustice will take decades to rectify. We will need the next generation’s leaders to apologize for today’s mistakes. In the meantime, we have to suffer through our abusers getting promotions.
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How Far We Went: The complete historical account of how far Canada went during the COVID-19 era is now available on Amazon.
I think a lot of it is just scheduling. I have cancer and faced the typical delays for any procedure. Then when you finally get in the hospital you find that entire wards are empty. Hilariously while going for a biopsy they wanted my partner to stay in a waiting room by her self for hours, while I sat in the prep room by myself. The most noticable thing is that all the areas in between had staff but no patients. In fact in my ward I was bizzarly the only patient for 3 staff to onl work on me that afternoon. Given they can probably cut and paste the report saying I have cancer I wonder what they were up to the rest of the day?
Now I'm I've been in the hospital I often get same day service. Radiation therapy, MRI'S cat scan, etc
IMHO a lot of it is about empire building I'm sure if the volume was tracked as well as the wait, peoples eyes would pop.
If theres a several month wait but only 2 procedures are done a day. Do we need more staff or better scheduling?
Especially given that a lot of procedures take less than an hour and the equipment occasionally generates automatic reports.
A big part of the doctor "shortage" is the way doctors get paid (have lots of healthy people on your roster who you never see) and the way medical schools overly limit the number of students coming in to keep the demand for doctors outstripping supply.