Punishing Those Who Won't Comply
After multiple outbreaks this flu season, why is this nursing home instituting such a policy in March?
Canada’s flu season runs from September to March.
Au Chateau Nursing Home has had multiple outbreaks this past year.
Shortly after being forced to stop asking for proof of COVID shots at the door, they have decided to start asking for proof of flu shots.
This is an unprecedented policy in Canada. No public facility has ever asked visitors to show proof of a flu shot to enter.
This is clearly a retributive measure and has no place in modern medicine or any decent organization.
Today’s essay will be uncomfortable for many. The idea that a once loved and respected community organization would stoop to such a level is offensive. It is a bold claim. But as I will outline, it is an accurate statement.
Au Chateau is engaging once again in blatant punitive measures. As I argued in December, this home’s insistence on keeping essential caregivers out indefinitely was a form of punishment. Punishment because this group didn’t comply with the COVID vaccine mandate. The premise of my argument was that the shots were not shown to reduce transmission and above all, caregivers were already subject to regular COVID testing prior to entry. So restricting them simply based on their health choice was punitive in order to force them to comply with a public health recommendation.
After this group demonstrated and got their voices heard by the board of management, the board rightfully overturned the administrators’ decision and started allowing all visitors into the home starting February 1st. This was a huge reversal as the home’s director was on record just the week prior saying he didn’t think these people should be allowed in anytime soon. So it’s understandable that he did not like being embarrassed this way. This was made clear when the administration of the home made up the fact that the policy was amended because of threats to the home (without any evidence).
So now, a month after caregivers have finally been allowed in after a 14 month absence, this nursing home has decided to implement a brand new policy.
As I reported this week, because of an influenza A outbreak (with one suspected case), entrants are now required to show proof of having received a flu shot this past year. If a visitor refuses to show their record (which many don’t typically keep handy) and if they don’t comply with a recommendation to go on the prescription drug, Tamiflu, then they can only visit with a full protective gown, an N95 mask and a face shield.
It’s important to note that Au Chateau has had multiple respiratory outbreaks this past cold and flu season. One in December when the home experienced much higher numbers and local hospitals were at a much higher risk. Before 2020, this home would frequently experience influenza outbreaks. But they have never asked visitors to show proof of having received a flu shot prior to entry. They have never asked visitors to pay for and take a prescription medication prior to entry. This appears to be an unprecedented policy in Canada. No public facility has ever screened visitors based on their flu shot status or based on what prescription drugs they are on.
So what changed? Last year, only 39% of Canadians took the annual flu shot offered to them. The flu shot is reformulated year-to-year to adjust for the year’s most likely strains. According to the Ontario government, the flu season runs from September to March. That is why they recommend that a flu shot be taken each flu season in September or October.
Receiving the current year’s flu shot in March is not very effective. Especially considering that most experts (including those at Au Chateau) don’t consider you immunized until 2 weeks after.
Why would someone go get a flu shot in March?

The flu season is essentially over. Even if someone was to go get their shot now, they wouldn’t acquire the supposed immunity until Spring is in full swing. So why would any one of the 61% of Canadians who have chosen not to take the flu shot, do so today? The reality is, it makes little sense for most healthy adults at this point in the season. I believe most of their doctors would agree with that statement.
But after not requiring this shot for all prior outbreaks, Au Chateau has decided to ask for proof now. In March when the flu season is virtually over*. Why?
*Ontario’s influenza A weekly positivity rate has plummeted from a high of 18% in January to under 1% today.
Because they know who will be affected. The caregivers who refused to share their personal health information regarding the COVID vaccine are the same group that will not comply to this unscientific and unjustified demand. So Au Chateau gets to penalize them a little bit longer.
So while the majority of visitors today will be able to enter this nursing home freely to have normal visits with their loved-ones. A select few caregivers will be subject to indefinite visits that look like this…
Punishment by Policy is Not Acceptable
My frustration on this brings tears to my eyes. For people like Jennifer who have been confined to this home since they were 34 years old and were denied the company of their entire family for 14 months. And now that she can start having visitations again, her caregivers will look like characters in a dystopian sci-fi movie. Jennifer doesn’t deserve this… She deserves dignity for her and her family. She deserves to be protected from arbitrary and punitive policy that strip her right to normal visitations.
There is no science to back up this policy. There is no rationale either. Especially considering, they did not even consider asking for proof of a flu shot during the peak of cold and flu season. There is no science or any study whatsoever that supports the idea that gowns make any difference to the spread of this airborne virus. There is no science or any study that supports the idea of putting on a face shield when you already have an N95 mask.
This is simply to humiliate and punish the ones who didn’t want to comply with the COVID vaccine policy. The ones who made the administration look like fools when they were forced to change their policy due to public pressure.
This is not acceptable. The administration of this organization needs to be held accountable. We deserve an explanation as to why they just instituted this policy in March. Shortly after all caregivers were given their dignity back and allowed to visit their loved-ones normally.
Thank you for your honesty. Your straight forward and common sense approach to all your articles are so appreciated. I look forward to every one.