I was there in Ottawa, that was the turning point. I met a few remnants of the local convoy at a New Year's Eve party in Ottawa last month. I wrote to JJ Couey that I'm constructing a jig saw puzzle that keeps expanding on me. The thing to remember is that "they" have unlimited resources only until they don't. The lies/illusions/delusions run deep, through several generations and maybe beyond. My faith in Christ kept me going, it's that simple.

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I too was ostracized by family and friends during the pandemic, and as you so aptly describe, emerged stronger, clearer, and with better relationships. The question I continue to ask; is it possible to reconcile the impossible? And maybe it isn't about reconciliation at all but a willingness to listen to people who don't think like me.

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Well said Rejean

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Unfortunately, it may be true that those who live in different realities are better off parting ways rather than communicating. Basic civility is always possible, but deeper, mutually fulfilling connections are not always possible. In as much as it is tempting to believe that conversation among people who disagree can be productive and enriching, this is not always the case. Language is a powerful and creative tool--but it is also a flawed tool that may be used to assert power and to distort reality. I've been against COVID measures, but I have also learned that I cannot automatically associate all those who have opposed COVID measures with goodness and compatibility. This is partly because some of them (though by no means all of them) seem quite comfortable with hate against Israel, which to me puts them in an incompatible category. I think this highlights how complicated human connections can be--and yet they remain so vital.

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