Re: Stirling's comment. Have these blogs been forwarded to our MPP John Vanthof? It can't hurt to do so.

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Surely there is one MPP at Queen's Park who could take this to the Minister and get some sense installed at Au Chateau? Or maybe not. This is Ontario after all.

I wonder if Derek Sloan could bring some attention to the matter.

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I agree. This should be a "no brainer" cause for any MPP to take up. Rules like this affect more than just Sturgeon Falls. I'm sure there hundreds of residents in Ontario who are routinely denied visitation by their own young children.

Unfortunately it would require them to criticize COVID policies which no elected politicians have built up the courage to do yet.

I started a petition last night. https://www.change.org/p/allow-children-to-visit-their-parents-at-au-chateau-ltc?recruiter=1323475468&recruited_by_id=95ce04e0-953b-11ee-8f00-1d8a2d5bc154&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard&utm_medium=copylink

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